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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

masyaALLAH! rahasia ALLAH

pulang kantor capek banget, mana hujan.. jalan rada macet.

nyampe di Quick lagi pada serius nonton acara religi di TV, yah kemasannya tetap aja sinetron lah. Tapi lantaran bagus me juga ikutan nonton dah... (maklum channel ndak bisa tuker)

kisah seorang bapak yang sangat sabar, selalu bertawaqal kepada ALLAH, saat tertimpa musibah semakin mendekatkan diri pada ALLAH, anaknya kena musibah jadi korban tabrak lari, istrinya sakit setelah melahirkan anak keduanya. Masyarakat dilingkungannya menzolimi beliau karena berbagai tuduhan yang tak jelas hal ini disebabkan oleh musibah kekeringan di desanya.

MasyaALLAH, me bisa ngeliat bagaimana digambarkan jelas ketabahan hati siBapak saat menerima semua cobaan ALLAH. dan bagaimana dia memperlakukan orang2 yang menzalimi nya? masyaALLAH.. dengan do'a memohon kepada ALLAH agar semua yang penduduk desa sadar akan apa yang mereka lakukan, do'a memohon kepada ALLAH agar mendatangkan rizki berupa air agar desanya terlepas dari kekeringan. mereka yang dicintai ALLAH akan di panggil lebih cepat.

subhanallah! walhamdulillah wala ila haillahuwallahuakbar

kembali lagi kesini

sempat terlupakan sih blog ini, lantaran dah punya server baru dan domain baru. penasaran... nyobaik request passwordnya ternyata masih bisa.

kek nya disini aja me lanjutkan ngeblognya, biar ndak ada yang tau juga ndak masalah. toh itu hanya masalah waktu.

Saturday, June 18, 2005


salahkah memilih?
salahkah tegaskan hati?
salahkah berpaling?

salahkah hati?
salahkah rasa?
salahkan jiwa?
salahkah mati?

mati hati?
mati rasa?
mati jiwa?

Friday, June 17, 2005

As identity management and access take center stage in the software arena, Microsoft is developing a service pack for its Identity Integration Server 2003 and a major upgrade, code-named Gemini, due out in 2007.

kill bill!!!!

heheh GEMINI jadi brand nya MicroSoft!

menyikapi beberapa pihak aja, saat mereka melakukansesuatu yang tak baik kepada me... me tidak sama sekali berniat untuk membalas, meluruskan sesuatu, melakukan verifikasi wajib me lakukan. apakah ini masuk dalam itungan bales dendam?

ya sudah lah - semoga ALLAH kasih mereka kesadaran atas apa yang mereka lakukan.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Get Ready for Change

As we move into late spring each year, the Sun enters Gemini and the realm of Air. The days are growing longer; rhododendrons are in bloom; students are studying for final exams. It is a time of adaptation and change.

As we notice the changes in our surroundings, we also notice changes in ourselves. We may feel more outgoing, while the sun is in masculine Gemini. The first mutable sign of the zodiac, Gemini teaches us flexibility and enables us to successfully handle the changes which accompany late spring.

Gemini is linked to the sky, which is only fitting as Gemini is the first Air sign on the zodiac. Long associated with astronomy and space exploration, Gemini lends its name to the twin telescopes of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) in Chile and Hawaii. And NASA’s Project Gemini, which followed its Project Mercury, was the second human space flight, and carried a two person crew into exploration.

Represented by the twin stars, Castor & Pollux, Gemini has long been associated with the concept of brotherhood and duality. The duality of being both mortal and spirit simultaneously, is highlighted in our lives as the sun travels through Gemini. During this time of year, we are more likely to be aware of the unmistakable bond between the twin sides of our personalities.

Ruled by the planet Mercury, those born under the sign of Gemini are quick witted and intelligent. They are interested in education, communication and cooperation. Their dual nature which seems perfectly logical to them can sometimes confuse others. But being teachers by nature, the twins are more than happy to explain to their ways of thinking to singletons.

You can expect to feel a strengthened sense of freedom, when the sun is in Gemini. You may feel lighter and more jovial. You will likely be presented with new thoughts and ideas, while the sun is transiting this scholarly sign. Enjoy the intellectual stimulation and mercurial change that fills the air during this wonderful time of year. Have FUN !